Help! Two finalists to install residential system, each says the other’s product is horrible.


I have gotten quotes to install a 10-ish kW residential system on my house and I’m down to two finalist contractors. They get great reviews and have pretty comparable pricing ($2.95/W and $3.26/W). I’ve met with both of them and would be happy to go with either.

Here’s the rub: each of these contractors is adamant that the other’s product is a complete piece of junk. I did not tell either installer about the other quote (or even the existence of the other contractor); they just volunteered this information to me when talking up their own products.

Installer 1 says: we use EnPhase microinverters and they are great. Stay away from SolarEdge, which will crap out on you and make you sad. We used to install SolarEdge but had a huge rate of inverter failures and stopped offering their products. Their inverter will fail and then you won’t have solar for however long it takes them to replace it.

Installer 2 says: we use SolarEdge optimizers and inverter and they are great. Stay away from EnPhase, which is complete crap. We used to install EnPhase but their microinverters are so bad they got pulled from the market and then put back up without fixing the problems. You’ll have to replace the microinverters every 20 minutes if you get those.

Who is right here? Any tips on how I can sort this out/which one I should go with?

Some more details on the two quotes below in case relevant, but based on my understanding so far this really seems like it comes down to EnPhase vs. SolarEdge.

Installer 1 Installer 2
Cost per Watt (before incentives) $2.95 $3.26
Panel type Panasonic 370W REC Solar 395W
Inverter type EnPhase IQ8+ microinverters SolarEdge SE7600H inverter and optimizers
Total system size 9.6 kW 9.5 kW
Manufacturer warranty Panasonic: 25 year product, performance, and labor (labor warranty includes EnPhase microinverters) REC: 25 year product, performance, and labor warranty. SolarEdge: 25-year optimizer warranty, 12-year inverter warranty.

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/extravagant_giraffe
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Author: AliensFaith
HighTech FinTech researcher, university lecturer & Scholar. He is studying his second doctoral degree at the Hague International University. Studying different fields of Sciences gave him a broad understanding of various aspects of life. His recent researches covered AI, Machine-learning & Automation concepts. The Information Technology Skills & Knowledge gave his company a higher position over other regional high-tech consultancy services. The other qualities and activities which can describe him are a Hobbyist Programmer, Achiever, Strategic Thinker, Futuristic person, and Frequent Traveler.

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