Quotes comparison, Sunpower vs others


I’ve narrowed it down to three quotes. All roof mount. Option 2 was priced higher originally but promised to price match option 1. All cash prices, handling the financing myself through my credit union.

Location: West Central Illinois

Option 1

  • 7.84 kW for $24,586 ($3.13/kW). AC system size claimed to be 7.56 kW.
  • Panels: 24x SunPower SPR-E20-327 (Claimed to be lower degradation panels)
  • Inverters: Microinverters (I’m told they’re Enphase with SunPower labels)
  • SunPower Equinox System. 25 year warranty on everything including labor (except central control unit apparently)
  • Claimed offset 115% year 1 production 11,625 kWh

Option 2

  • 8.40 kW (They promised to match the $3.13/kW of offer 1, so I’m guessing $26,292).
  • Panels: 23x “Phono 365 watt”, don’t have the exact model:
  • Inverters: “6000 Smart SolarEdge SEH-US”, guessing this means SolarEdge SE6000H-US with power optimizers per panel
  • 25 year panel warranty, 20 year inverter, 25 year optimizer, 10 year labor
  • Claimed offset 113% year 1 production 11457 kWh

Option 3 (found on EnergySage)

  • 8.91 kW for $26017 ($2.91/kW). Originally specced at 8.4kW but I asked them to add a panel since the offset seemed low.
  • Panels: 22x Jinko Solar JKM405M-72HL-V 405
  • Inverters: Microinverters Hoymiles MI-350 (said they could upgrade to Enphase for ~$40 per inverter but they do Hoymiles on most residential installs unless they want battery backup)
  • 25 year warranty on everything including labor
  • Claimed offset 104% year 1 production 10,455 kWh

The system sizes vary because they all claimed different offsets percentages. Option 1 claims the highest year 1 production with the smallest size system, seems weird to me. I’m in Illinois so federal tax credit and Illinois SREC ABP program brings the cost of the systems down around ~$7k to $10k after incentives. Ends up about a 6-7 year payback which is what I was aiming for

Option 1 and 2 are both in town companies so those are what I’m leaning towards, and option 2 seems to really hate option 1 (guessing they lose business to them). I’ve read about the SunPower premium you pay, but if it’s the same price as another system should the SunPower be the easy choice? Also microinverters vs string inverters, I don’t really have a preference other than microinverters seems to be the way things are headed and have fewer failures?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/dman99
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Author: AliensFaith
HighTech FinTech researcher, university lecturer & Scholar. He is studying his second doctoral degree at the Hague International University. Studying different fields of Sciences gave him a broad understanding of various aspects of life. His recent researches covered AI, Machine-learning & Automation concepts. The Information Technology Skills & Knowledge gave his company a higher position over other regional high-tech consultancy services. The other qualities and activities which can describe him are a Hobbyist Programmer, Achiever, Strategic Thinker, Futuristic person, and Frequent Traveler.

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