Advice on this quote/layout? (x-posted at r/TeslaSolar)

Advice on this quote/layout? (x-posted at r/TeslaSolar)

Hi all,

I posted this on r/TeslaSolar but I received some messages asking me to post here instead.

TL;DR: Would appreciate advice on 2 questions: 1) 3x Enphase 10T vs or 3x Powerwall, 2) advice on these quotes/components

I appreciate all the advice you have given on this subreddit. I’ve learned a lot. About to pull the trigger on a ~12kW system (possibly with batteries) and would love your input.

Option 1 (Tesla)

Tesla Layout

12 kW Solar Panel System

3 Powerwalls

Estimated energy produced: 14,713 kWh /yr

Total cost is $57,770

Option 2 (non-Tesla)

Panasonic EVPV 400H x 31 panels (12.4kW)

Enphase IQ8A Microinverters

Projected production is 14,900 kWh.

The cost per watt is $2.90 ($35,960 total, before tax rebate).

Three Enphase Encharge 10kW batteries are $32k more (so total cost, $67,900). I’m not certain if we will do the batteries and am especially torn on Powerwalls vs Encharge batteries if we do. Any thoughts on PW vs Encharge? (I have read the various posts on this sub and r/solar but still can’t figure out how to proceed). The local installer won’t install Powerwalls.

Local Installer Layout

Our energy use is ~13000 kWh. (Our house isn’t great for solar so many of the panels won’t produce as much as would be ideal, but I want to cover >100% of my energy use which is why it is a larger system).

The current projected layouts and project sunroof views are attached.

Project Sunroof

I’m in the SF Bay Area and the local installer has been around. The Enphase microinverters have 25 year warranties and Panasonic panels have AllGuard 25 year warranties. I love my Tesla EV but not sure about the solar customer service (especially needing to get this done before NEM 3.0). But, I’m open to either option. I just had the site survey by Tesla this past week so I’m at least moving things along.

With the shading, would having microinverters will be better than a single string inverter with Tesla? Is that right?

I appreciate your help!

submitted by /u/CompleteTasks
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Author: AliensFaith
HighTech FinTech researcher, university lecturer & Scholar. He is studying his second doctoral degree at the Hague International University. Studying different fields of Sciences gave him a broad understanding of various aspects of life. His recent researches covered AI, Machine-learning & Automation concepts. The Information Technology Skills & Knowledge gave his company a higher position over other regional high-tech consultancy services. The other qualities and activities which can describe him are a Hobbyist Programmer, Achiever, Strategic Thinker, Futuristic person, and Frequent Traveler.

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