Evaluating multiple quotes


We’ve gotten several solar quotes and I’m wondering if the sub has a strong opinion on our selection compared to the others:

Note – I really like Enphase so I may be bias but we are hoping to go with Option 4B. Note as long as we stay below 20 kw AC at the inverter we stay in the net model.

Option 1: System size 20.4 kW Price $49,890 ppw $2.45

– Panel: 51 Qcells 400 All-Black

– Inverter: SolarEdge SE-11400H & SE-7600H

– Warranty 5 years installation, 25 years inverter, optimizers, solar panels

Option 2: System size 20 kW Price $70,900 ppw $3.56

– Panel: 50 Silfab 400 BOB

– Inverter: Enphase IQ8A

– Warranty 5 years installation, 25 years inverter, optimizers, solar panels

Option 3: System size 19.89 kW $42,213 ppw $2.12

– Panel: 40 Trina TSM390 (could possibly do 31 Silfab 490 panels)

– Inverter: SolarEdge and DC optimizers

– Warranty – waiting on further

Option 4A: System size 20.02 kW Price $48,040 ppw $2.40

– Panel: 52 Jinko 385w

– Inverter: 52 Enphase IQ8+

– Warranty: 25 years solar panel, inverter, workmanship & roof penetration

Option 4B: System size 25.41 kW Price $58,820 ppw $2.31

– Panel: 66 Jinko 385w

– Inverter: 66 Enphase IQ8+

– Warranty: 25 years solar panel, inverter, workmanship & roof penetration

– Notes: tries to stay between 1.10 and 1.30 on the DC to AC ratio

Option 5A: System size 19.89 kW Price $80,953 ppw $4.07

– Panel: 51 Trina Solar TSM-390DE09C.07

– Inverter: 51 Enphase IQ8PLUS-72-2-US

– Warranty:

Option 5B: System size 29.250 kW Price $117,585 ppw $4.02

– Panel: 75 Trina Solar TSM-390DE09C.07

– Inverter: 75 Enphase IQ8PLUS-72-2-US

– Warranty:

Option 5C: System size 39.780 kW Price $154,744 ppw $3.88

– Panel: 102 Trina Solar TSM-390DE09C.07

– Inverter: 102 Enphase IQ8PLUS-72-2-US

– Warranty:

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Amoeba-6143
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Author: AliensFaith
HighTech FinTech researcher, university lecturer & Scholar. He is studying his second doctoral degree at the Hague International University. Studying different fields of Sciences gave him a broad understanding of various aspects of life. His recent researches covered AI, Machine-learning & Automation concepts. The Information Technology Skills & Knowledge gave his company a higher position over other regional high-tech consultancy services. The other qualities and activities which can describe him are a Hobbyist Programmer, Achiever, Strategic Thinker, Futuristic person, and Frequent Traveler.

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