Trying to figure out NEM and best rate plan PGE+SVCE, EV & solar+storage


My true up last month was way too high for my liking. Not saying there was a mistake in it, I don’t think there was, but I’m doing something wrong with my setup; rate plan, and solar app settings. I have a 8.4 kW Tesla system with two Powerwalls, and an electric car. The solar is undersized for our usage; we only get a bit of surplus during mid summer.

Sometime last year I thought it would be neat to set my Tesla app’s algorithm to prioritize energy independence (“self-powered” mode) rather than cost (“time-based” mode). This makes you feel good when you’re looking at your usage, but turns out I sold back about half as much energy to the grid this year despite generating more than last year, and my true-up bill is about 70% higher than last year.

I have PG&E with Silicon Valley Clean Energy as the 3rd party generator. I’m currently on E-TOU-C.

To optimize my Tesla solar app’s algorithm for time-based control, I need to know how much I pay and when. I’m not sure the built-in numbers in the app are correct.

Trying to figure out how and when and how much I pay vs get paid is VERY complicated. SVCE doesn’t do a true up, they bill monthly, but PG&E does do a true up, but that statement is only for the “delivery” part of the costs, since SVCE does the generation. The delivery rate is PG&E’s total rate minus “something” for generation, where “something” is a penny or so more than SVCE charges for generation. Trying to figure out what my actual rate is at any given time (varies by time of use and tier and season) is nigh impossible.

SVCE says they pay 2x the NSC rate. Tesla app just shows they pay me for exported kW what I pay them for used kWh; I’m not sure this is correct.

Has anyone figured this out and optimized their app appropriately? Is there a better rate plan I should consider? Thinking of maybe one of the EV ones, and set charging to the wee hours.

submitted by /u/seenhear
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Author: AliensFaith
HighTech FinTech researcher, university lecturer & Scholar. He is studying his second doctoral degree at the Hague International University. Studying different fields of Sciences gave him a broad understanding of various aspects of life. His recent researches covered AI, Machine-learning & Automation concepts. The Information Technology Skills & Knowledge gave his company a higher position over other regional high-tech consultancy services. The other qualities and activities which can describe him are a Hobbyist Programmer, Achiever, Strategic Thinker, Futuristic person, and Frequent Traveler.

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