Tesla String vs Enphase Micro for 2nd story roof – Dallas Texas


I’m still torn, getting a lot of conflicting info. Is there an unbiased solar consultant that I can hire? Lol.

So I’m still stuck between Tesla string inverters vs Enphase Microinverters. Some people are saying string inverters for my house will be fine as long as Tesla separates the different sections into multiple MPPT’s. Someone else told me I’ll lose ~15% production with string because of the angles of my roof. I’m going crazy!

Current 12 month average is about 2500 kW / month, but recently got a Tesla MY.

My July bill was $650, about 4600 kW

Two story house with multiple angles (see drone pics)South facing – Front of house (9 panels)East facing (21 panels)West facing (10 panels)North facing (13 panels)

Here are my quotes please help me choose!

Tesla:$49,00021.46 kW53 Hanwha 400W Q Peak Duo (Q cell) panels3 String Inverters (2x 7.6kW + 1x 5.0kW)DC/AC ratio: 1.06Estimated production: 24,394 kWh (I was told to minus 3-7% due to shading for string inverter)

$19,0002 Powerwalls & 1 Gateway

$68,000 total with Tesla

Local Installer:$54,00021.6 kW54 Aptos 400W panels (Never heard of Aptos before, they said it was similar to Q cell?)54 Enphase IQ8+ microinvertersEstimated production: 24,849 (They offer 85% production guarantee)

$21,00027 kWh Battery (2 Powerwalls & 1 Gateway)

$75,000 total with Local Installer+$1,500 If I wanted to upgrade to Meyer Burger 385W panels (said it was similar to REC)

So the big question:Is it worth an extra $7,000 to upgrade to the Enphase Microinverters for my type of roof installation?If so, should I pay another $1,500 extra for Meyer Burger vs Aptos panels?

Are the Enphase IQ8+ enough juice to not clip the 400W panels? Should I ask to upgrade to the M or A?

Or should I just stick with Tesla and be done with it! So far my project manager has been on top of things and great to work with.

How much more actual production will I really get with the micros for the extra $7,000 cost?

Thanks for the help!!!!!

Tesla’s Layout

Local Installer Layout

submitted by /u/bankingdom
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Author: AliensFaith
HighTech FinTech researcher, university lecturer & Scholar. He is studying his second doctoral degree at the Hague International University. Studying different fields of Sciences gave him a broad understanding of various aspects of life. His recent researches covered AI, Machine-learning & Automation concepts. The Information Technology Skills & Knowledge gave his company a higher position over other regional high-tech consultancy services. The other qualities and activities which can describe him are a Hobbyist Programmer, Achiever, Strategic Thinker, Futuristic person, and Frequent Traveler.

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