Sanity check on these Indiana quotes?


Hey r/solar community,

Can I trouble someone for a sanity check on a couple of quotes for a solar panel + battery back-up system for my home?

Some background/context:

  • System size – I am planning to size above my current needs for planned future consumption bumps (i.e. finishing our basement for more livable space, older kids w/ devices, EV adoption w/ at-home charging) ~150% of current needs
  • Battery backup – My first priority is to have backup system to power some circuits of the home in a grid-down scenario. Additionally, I would like to cover most/all of my overnight power consumption using the batteries since Indiana net-metering changes are moving away from a 1:1 rate to a wholesale rate
  • Critical load panel – I’m hesitant to lock myself into a static critical loads sub panel. The SPAN electrical panel seems to offer the flexibility in designating which circuits are my critical loads, so I prefer that solution in lieu of a sub panel
  • Location – Northern Indiana with a southern facing simple roof, no nearby trees — just corn fields. Also, this is likely our forever home (at least until the kids leave the nest), so we will potentially see this system through to the end



  • Contractor #1

    • Total Project Cost (before rebate, cash price): $83,426.00
      • Panel Cost (before rebate, cash price): $43,456.00
      • Cost/watt: $3.88/w
    • System Size: 11.2kW (28 x 400w Panasonic EverVolt 400H) ~159% of current needs
    • Inverter: SolarEdge – SE10000H (EnergyHub)
      • Upgrade Inverter from HDWave to EnergyHub – $1,520
      • Extend Inverter Warranty to 25 yrs – $450
    • Batteries: 2 SolarEdge Battery Banks (19.4kWh capacity) – $28,000
    • SPAN Panel: Yes – $10,000


  • Contractor #2
    • Total Project Cost (before rebate, cash price): $61,040
      • Panel Cost (before rebate, cash price): $41,040
      • Cost/watt: $6/w
    • System Size: 6.84kW (18 x 380w SILFAB Prime HC) ~100% of current needs
    • Inverter: Generac PwrCell
    • Batteries: Generac PwrCell (3 cells ~9kWh capacity) – $20,000
    • SPAN Panel: No, critical load sub panel only


  • Contractor #3
    • Total Project Cost (before rebate, cash price): $86,620.50
      • Panel Cost (before rebate, cash price): $62,770.50
      • Cost/watt: $5.85/w
    • System Size: 10.73kW (29 x 370w SILFAB) ~150% of current needs
    • Inverter: SolarEdge – SE7600H-US
    • Batteries: 2 Telsa Powerwalls (27kWh capacity) – $23,850
    • SPAN Panel: No, critical load sub panel only


My Thoughts:

  • My front runner is Contractor #1 primarily because they will do the SPAN panel as part of the project
  • Contractor #2 gave me a predatory sales vibe and some recent news articles state that they are having legal troubles, suspended work in some states, and laid off a bunch of their employees
  • When I do the cost/watt calculation, the Contractors 2 & 3 are notably higher in cost — Contractor #1 offers the lowest panel cost with the better 25 year power output of 92%
  • Based on some snapshots of my actual meter readings, the 19.4kWh batteries should cover ~160%+ of my current overnight needs and ~97% of my estimated future overnight needs, but I could always add a third SE battery down the road if needed

My Questions:

  • If I’m doing the math right, Contractor #1’s cost/watt for the system comes out to $3.88/watt before incentives – that seems high compared to other posts I’ve seen in this sub. Should I keep shopping around? The other contractors were dramatically higher at $6/watt and $5.85/watt
  • I saw a lot of buzz around Tesla’s VPP lately. Do the SolarEdge Batteries support VPP programs? Do they have anything actually in flight? Either way, I imagine it will be a while before Indiana comes around to the concept
  • Is there an advantage to the DC coupled approach of the SE batteries compared to the AC coupled Tesla Powerwalls? Round-trip efficiency? Islanding?
  • Am I overlooking anything? Any additional questions I can take back to the contractors to better educate myself would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/NoWhereIsChomps
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Author: AliensFaith
HighTech FinTech researcher, university lecturer & Scholar. He is studying his second doctoral degree at the Hague International University. Studying different fields of Sciences gave him a broad understanding of various aspects of life. His recent researches covered AI, Machine-learning & Automation concepts. The Information Technology Skills & Knowledge gave his company a higher position over other regional high-tech consultancy services. The other qualities and activities which can describe him are a Hobbyist Programmer, Achiever, Strategic Thinker, Futuristic person, and Frequent Traveler.

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